I have started once more in earnest to follow Sri Aurobindo in his Synthesis of Yoga, Part 2, The Yoga of Integral Knowledge' for yesterday June 21st International Yoga day.
"ALL SPIRITUAL seeking moves towards an object of
Knowledge to which men ordinarily do not turn the
eye of the mind, to someone or something Eternal,
Infinite, Absolute that is not the temporal things or forces of
which we are sensible, although he or it may be in them or
behind them or their source or creator.
It aims at a state of
knowledge by which we can touch, enter or know by identity
this Eternal, Infinite and Absolute, a consciousness other than
our ordinary consciousness of ideas and forms and things, a
Knowledge that is not what we call knowledge but something self-existent, everlasting, infinite."
Synthesis of Yoga, Part 2, 'The Yoga of Integral Knowledge' Chapter 1, "The Object of Knowledge", p. 1
"There are two successive movements of consciousness, dif-
ficult but well within our capacity, by which we can have access
to the superior gradations of our conscious existence.
is first a movement inward by which, instead of living in our
surface mind, we break the wall between our external and our
now subliminal self; this can be brought about by a gradual
effort and discipline or by a vehement transition, sometimes
a forceful involuntary rupture, — the latter by no means safe
for the limited human mind accustomed to live securely only
within its normal limits, — but in either way, safe or unsafe, the thing can be done.
What we discover within this secret parto f ourselves is an inner being, a soul, an inner mind, an innerl ife, an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in itsp otentialities, more plastic, more powerful, more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind, life or body; especially, it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces, movements, objects of the cosmos, a direct feeling and opening to them, a direct action on them and even a widening of itself beyond the limits of the personal mind, the personal life, the body, so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of our too narrow mental, vital, physical existence.
This widening can extend itself to a complete entry into the consciousness of cosmic Mind, into unity with the universal Life, even into a oneness with universal Matter.
That, however, is still an identification either with a diminished cosmic truth or with the cosmic Ignorance"
"But once this entry into the inner being is accomplished,
the inner Self is found to be capable of an opening, an ascent
upwards into things beyond our present mental level; that is the
second spiritual possibility in us.
The first most ordinary result is a discovery of a vast static and silent Self which we feel to be our real or our basic existence, the foundation of all else that we are.
There may be even an extinction, a Nirvana both of our active
being and of the sense of self into a Reality that is indefinable
and inexpressible.
But also we can realise that this self is not
only our own spiritual being but the true self of all others; it
presents itself then as the underlying truth of cosmic existence.
It is possible to remain in a Nirvana of all individuality, to stop
at a static realisation or, regarding the cosmic movement as a
superficial play or illusion imposed on the silent Self, to pass into
some supreme immobile and immutable status beyond the uni-
But another less negative line of supernormal experience
also offers itself; for there takes place a large dynamic descent
of light, knowledge, power, bliss or other supernormal energies
into our self of silence, and we can ascend too into higher regions
of the Spirit where its immobile status is the foundation of those
great and luminous energies.
It is evident in either case that we
have risen beyond the mind of Ignorance into a spiritual state;
but, in the dynamic movement, the resultant greater action of
Consciousness-Force may present itself either simply as a pure
spiritual dynamis not otherwise determinate in its character or
it may reveal a spiritual mind-range where mind is no longer ignorant of the Reality, — not yet a supermind level, but deriving from the supramental Truth-Consciousness and still luminous with something of its knowledge.
Sri Aurobindo, Life Divine, Book 1, Chapter 28, "Supermind, mind and overmind Maya"
The Absolute, the Perfect, the Immune,
One who is in us as our secret self,
Our mask of imperfection has assumed,
He has made this tenement of flesh his own,
His image in the human measure cast
That to his divine measure we might rise;
Then in a figure of divinity
The Maker shall recast us and impose
A plan of godhead on the mortal's mould
Lifting our finite minds to his infinite,
Touching the moment with eternity.
[Savitri B-01 C-04 S-06 F-09]
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