Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Two dreams

 In early morning, there was a dream in which my mom, brother and sister were there trying to settle the property dispute 

The other dream was a school classroom where there were children around 10, some alcoholic drink was passed around and some took it  then the room converted into a discussion with me and Vichare (old friend no more) on some comparability of a software package I had made and some others. !

Monday, May 30, 2022

Strange dream

 Had a strange dream today early morning. It was some kind of sports competition that was contested, there was a big dispute, some cops came there, there were some heated debates, there were an international participants. Then later one of the two towers of a huge building collapsed, and I was still sitting on top of the ruins of one building and discussing with someone 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Dream diary

 I have been getting so many interesting dreams in the past year, that I have decided to keep a dream diary.

Today early morning dream was with Amma, her disciples at a program. Amma danced with me, while standing put my head on her lap that had Jasmine flowers. I met and Swami Jnyanamritanand and asked him his rank. It looked in the dream that Ashramites are being given a rank of importance. At the end Amma made arrangements for me to sit behind her. A very nice, long and complex dream.